Retail Insight Network – February 6, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of retail, where innovation is the key to success, Gatekeeper Systems has taken a giant leap forward with its Purchek Pushout Theft Protection Technology.

Push-outs happen when thieves deliberately push a shopping cart full of items out of the store to avoid the checkout altogether.

We had the opportunity to sit down with Craig Greenberg, the Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Gatekeeper, to delve into the intricacies of their cutting-edge technology and how it is transforming the battle against push-out theft in the packaging industry.

Behaviour-based theft prevention: Gatekeeper’s Purchek system distinguishes itself by being a behaviour-based patented technology.

Unlike traditional security measures that focus on theft detection, Purchek monitors shopper behaviour and disables shopping carts if the behaviour does not align with a paid transaction.

Craig Greenberg explains, “The Purchek system is theft prevention, not theft detection. If the behaviour does not meet the criteria of a paid transaction, the shopping cart will automatically be disabled prior to exiting the store, keeping the merchandise in the building while eliminating the need for a guard or store associate to engage or confront the suspect.”

This approach not only prevents theft but also avoids potential confrontations and disruptions in the store environment, which are often associated with traditional security measures like armed guards or off-duty law enforcement.

Addressing push-out theft: Push-out theft, a growing concern in cart-based retail stores, involves suspects loading merchandise into a cart and casually exiting the store.

Craig Greenberg defines push-out theft and highlights its impact, stating, “Shoplifters can steal up to 50x more goods than carry out theft incidents. By disabling carts that are suspected to be pushout thefts, the merchandise, and the bad actor are stopped right in their tracks.”

Gatekeeper’s technology acts as a crucial deterrent by immediately disabling carts engaged in suspicious behaviour, preventing both merchandise loss and potential harm to store associates.

Balancing employee safety and merchandise loss: The interview touches upon the delicate balance between ensuring employee safety and minimising merchandise loss.

Greenberg explains, “The Purchek technology will apprehend the merchandise being stolen, which is a clearly preferred alternative to requiring an employee to take on this task.”

Purchek allows employees to focus on providing positive customer service rather than confronting potential shoplifters, aligning with non-confrontation policies.

Additionally, the technology provides ongoing support and training resources to ensure effective implementation within store operations.

Uncovering modern shoplifting trends: The conversation shifts to the evolving nature of shoplifting behaviour.

Greenberg highlights the unbiased nature of Gatekeeper’s technology, stating, “Our Purchek deployments equipped with cameras support that there is no profile to categorise pushout thieves. The demographic of people pushing out merchandise tends to match the demographic of the people shopping and working in that store.”

Gatekeeper’s approach eliminates human bias, challenging common perceptions and uncovering surprising insights into the diverse demographics engaged in push-out theft.

Comprehensive solution for merchandise loss: The interview explores how Gatekeeper’s technology goes beyond traditional measures, offering a comprehensive solution for merchandise loss.

Greenberg notes, “Gatekeeper’s systems not only prevent theft but also generate a compelling return on investment for its customers, with the average payback on Purchek® deployment realised in less than 12 months.”

By capturing push-out activities on video during initial surveillance, retailers can quantify the magnitude of their theft problem before full activation, leading to a significant reduction in theft attempts upon implementation.

Case study: demonstrating effectiveness: A notable case study highlights the effectiveness of Gatekeeper’s technology in a “Big Box” retailer in the Pacific NW.

Greenberg shares, “In the first two weeks after Purchek® deployment, the number of theft events was reduced by 80%, and the number of repeat offenders was reduced to zero.”

The case study exemplifies the immediate impact Gatekeeper’s technology has on reducing both organised and opportunistic theft loss, showcasing its adaptability across different retail segments and geographies.

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About Gatekeeper

Gatekeeper Systems’ expanded product suite of intelligent cart solutions offers solutions for EVERY retailer’s needs to minimize merchandise loss, reduce asset and labor expenditures.

Gatekeeper’s loss prevention and cart containment solutions utilize patented locking technology to put an end to cart-based shoplifting, shopping cart loss, and uninformed decision-making. Cart management solutions increase safety and reduce labor costs by maximizing productivity while simultaneously resulting in a positive store image.

Intelligent pushout theft prevention solutions stop thieves and their cart full of unpaid merchandise from leaving the store. Customizable technology allows retailers to defend their entire store or just a high loss department based on the store’s unique layout.

Business Intelligence solutions provide increased visibility for informed decision making. Increase efficiency, optimize fleet size, and perfect the entire customer shopping experience with store and enterprise-level analytics.

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