
The alarming escalation of retail losses, as reported by the National Retail Federation, highlights a major challenge for the industry. In 2022 alone, U.S. retailers faced an astonishing $112.1 billion in inventory shrinkage, with theft, including organized retail crime, contributing to approximately 65% of these losses. In this environment, traditional loss prevention methods are proving insufficient. Systèmes Gatekeeper offers the Technologie Purchek, an innovative solution designed to tackle this issue head-on, offering retailers a strategic advantage in combating pushout theft.

L'impact réel du vol par poussée

Pushout theft extends its impact beyond the immediate loss of merchandise. Safety concerns are a top priority, as the stress on employees dealing with or preventing thefts, that often result in violent confrontations, can degrade workplace morale and elevate turnover rates. Additionally, theft harms inventory accuracy, a major factor for maintaining customer loyalty in today’s omnichannel world. Customers expect essential items like Tide, baby products, and other household necessities to be in stock. When products are unavailable despite being shown as in-stock online, it damages the retailer’s credibility and hurts repeat business.

 Case Study: Demonstrating Effectiveness

Over a ten-week period, Gatekeeper Systems conducted a merchandise theft experiment in a major U.S. superstore to measure the frequency and impact of pushout thefts. The study was divided into two phases: the first seven weeks focused on observing and recording theft incidents, followed by three weeks of evaluation after the Purchek® technology was activated.

Benefits of Implementing the Purchek® Solution

The surveillance phase recorded 584 pushout thefts, amounting to $84,460 in lost merchandise. Remarkably, within the first week of activating the Purchek® technology, these incidents saw a dramatic decrease, showcasing the system’s immediate effectiveness in preventing theft, improving safety and adding value. By significantly reducing theft, the Purchek® technology not only reduces the opportunity for dangerous and violent confrontations, but also ensures that inventory levels are maintained, leading to a better shopping experience.

The Purchek® technology allows employees to focus less on security and removes the human lens from identifying potentially bad actors.  Employees can focus more on customer service and store operations, thereby boosting overall efficiency and profitability.

The case study clearly demonstrates the effect known as the Purchek Curve™, whereby the solution’s capacity to rapidly prevent pushout thefts results in an immediate and significant drop in theft activity. This translates into direct savings and safety enhancement for the store. This immediate return on investment is a compelling argument for its widespread implementation.

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Predicting YOUR Benefits

Building a Business Case for the Purchek® Solution

Investing in the Purchek® technology should be viewed as a strategic move towards profitability and improved safety. This solution is an investment that enhances the brand’s value, employee morale and operational integrity.

When evaluating the investment opportunity, the following points should be considered:

  • The reduction in theft incidents post installation clearly demonstrates the solution’s effectiveness.
  • The total cost per theft incident versus the cost of the Purchek® technology deployment shows a favorable return on investment (ROI) / internal rate of return (IRR)
  • Improved customer satisfaction, safety, labor attainment and reduced employee turnover highlight the secondary benefits of the system.

Gatekeeper Systems’ team members are available to help you in building out a business case for deploying the Purchek® Solution.

Next Steps: Implementing the Purchek® solution in Your Store

We invite retail executives to engage with our team for a detailed consultation. We will tailor an implementation strategy that aligns with your specific needs, ensuring that the Purchek® solution integrates seamlessly into your operational framework.

Final Word

Gatekeeper Systems’ Purchek® solution offers a robust solution to one of the most pressing issues in retail today – pushout theft. By adopting this advanced technology, retailers can not only prevent significant losses but also enhance the safety and satisfaction of both employees and customers, ultimately contributing to the store’s long-term success.

Restez à l'affût des tendances mondiales en matière de prévention des pertes grâce à MarketWatch-votre source hebdomadaire d'informations essentielles, de faits marquants sur les vols de pushout et de mises à jour sur l'industrie. S'inscrire aujourd'hui


À propos de Gatekeeper

La gamme élargie de chariots intelligents de Gatekeeper Systems offre des solutions aux besoins de TOUS les détaillants pour minimiser les pertes de marchandises et réduire les dépenses de matériel et de main-d'œuvre.

Les solutions de prévention des pertes et de confinement des chariots de Gatekeeper utilisent une technologie de verrouillage brevetée pour mettre fin au vol à l'étalage, à la perte de chariots et à la prise de décision non éclairée. Les solutions de gestion des chariots augmentent la sécurité et réduisent les coûts de main-d'œuvre en maximisant la productivité tout en donnant une image positive du magasin.

Les solutions intelligentes de prévention des vols par poussée empêchent les voleurs et leur chariot rempli de marchandises impayées de quitter le magasin. La technologie personnalisable permet aux détaillants de défendre l'ensemble de leur magasin ou seulement un rayon à forte perte en fonction de l'agencement unique du magasin.

Les solutions connectées offrent une visibilité accrue pour une prise de décision éclairée. Améliorez l’efficacité, optimisez la taille de votre flotte et perfectionnez l’ensemble de l’expérience d’achat des clients grâce à des analyses au niveau du magasin et de l’entreprise.

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