Loss Prevention priorities aligned with the C-Suite

With the recent surge in organized retail crime, it is now getting much-needed attention from the highest levels of the organization. On December 9th, 2021, the CEOs of 20 leading retailers expressed in an open letter to Congressional leadership, their concerns about the impact organized retail crime is having on employees and communities across the U.S. and urged Congress to pass the Integrity, Notification and Fairness in Online Retail Marketplaces (INFORM) for Consumers Act.  As CEOs are leaning on congress to address the ease of resale issue with legislation, they are also looking internally for solutions to keep their employees and shoppers safe while protecting their merchandise.

“Retailers have made significant investments to combat organized retail crime, but as they note in their letter, criminals will continue these brazen acts of theft as long as they are able to anonymously sell their stolen goods using online marketplaces,” said Dodge. (Dodge, 2021)

What exactly are the CEOs saying?

“ORC is on the rise at Best Buy. The tactic involves an organized “gang” of people who steal entire shelves of high-value products, such as electronics, to resell them for a profit. This is traumatizing for our associates and is unacceptable. We are doing everything we can to try to create a safe as possible environment.” -Corie Barry, CEO Best Buy

“They’re criminals, and it is impacting our stores. What they’re doing is they’re taking our products off the shelf and they’re putting them online and we need to go after that.” -Karen Lynch, CEO CVS

About 25% of the decline in gross margin came from loss of inventory – what grocery stores and other retailers refer to as shrink. That’s heavily driven by organized crime or at least it appears to be.” -Rodney McMullen, CEO The Kroger Co.

The right solution to prevent ORC

Shrink reduction and keeping people safe has continued to be loss prevention’s core purpose.  Retail executives know that their organization requires strategic alignment, from top to bottom, to fulfill the organization’s objectives to fight against ORC. The goal is to implement strategies and solutions that support the customer experience, drive sales, protect employees and prevent thefts from occurring. Coming into 2022 and with the increase of ORC, more executives turn to Gatekeeper’s Purchek® Solution.

Pushout theft allows thieves to clear out shelves and exit with a shopping cart filled with stolen merchandise. According to Gatekeeper Systems, most pushout theft is never recorded, with multiple unnoticed smaller thefts for every major ORC pushout theft.

Gatekeeper’s Purchek® solution is a highly effective cart-based pushout theft prevention system that thwarts ORC and opportunistic shoplifters at the moment a theft occurs. As a thief attempts to leave the store with a cartload of unpaid for merchandise, the pushout prevention system locks the cart in place, thereby keeping the merchandise in the store. When this occurs, most thieves walk away empty handed. As shoplifters experience this type of disruption, they commonly seek easier targets.

This presents a number of advantages for retail leaders:

  • Apprehend merchandise: With automatic locking wheels, merchandise never leaves the store.
  • Eliminates confrontation with shoplifters: With Purchek®, the cart stops the behavior not the person. Resulting in confrontation-free stops thus reducing the possibility of violence against employees.
  • Découvrir le vrai problème: Gain valuable insight to the scope and frequency of pushout theft events and the repeat offenders who commit them.
  • More sales: Removing shopping carts from ORC’s tool chest helps prevent shelf sweeps and other shelf clearing events that create unplanned out of stocks on high demand products making more merchandise available for paying customers.
  • Customer experience: Unlike locked cases, faulty EAS systems, and similar product protection devices, the Purchek® system is invisible to good customers.

Gatekeeper Systems’ Purchek® solution may be your key to finding common ground with your CEO on how to retain your merchandise while improving safety. Contact Gatekeeper to learn a little more.

À propos de Gatekeeper

La gamme élargie de chariots intelligents de Gatekeeper Systems offre des solutions aux besoins de TOUS les détaillants pour minimiser les pertes de marchandises et réduire les dépenses de matériel et de main-d'œuvre.

Les solutions de Gatekeeper en matière de prévention des pertes, d'analyse du commerce de détail et de confinement des chariots utilisent la technologie brevetée des roues de verrouillage pour mettre fin au vol à l'étalage, à la perte de chariots et à la prise de décision non éclairée. Les solutions de gestion des chariots augmentent la sécurité et réduisent les coûts de main-d'œuvre en maximisant la productivité tout en donnant une image positive du magasin.

Les solutions intelligentes de prévention du vol par poussée empêchent les voleurs et leur chariot rempli de marchandises impayées de quitter le magasin. La technologie des roues personnalisables permet aux détaillants de défendre l'ensemble de leur magasin ou seulement un rayon à forte perte en fonction de l'agencement unique du magasin.

Les solutions NEW Retail Analytics offrent une visibilité accrue pour une prise de décision éclairée. Augmentez votre efficacité, optimisez la taille de votre flotte et améliorez l'expérience d'achat de vos clients grâce à des analyses au niveau du magasin et de l'entreprise.

Découvrez pourquoi les 20 premiers détaillants qui utilisent des paniers d'achat font confiance à Gardien solutions.

Pour en savoir plus ou pour prendre rendez-vous pour une consultation gratuite, cliquez ici.

Références :

Trevor, J. and Varcoe, B. (2017, February 7). How Aligned Is Your Organization? Lien vers l'article

Dodge, B. (2021, March 10). Retail CEOs Speak: Seven Imperatives for the Retail Industry. Lien vers l'article

Dodge, B. (2021, December 9). CEOs call on Congress to Address Surge of Retail Crime. Lien vers l'article

“Best Buy beats earnings estimates as holiday season kicks off.” Squawk on the Street. CNBC., 2021, November 23. Television.

“CVS Health shares pop after company’s bullish outlook.” Power Lunch. CNBC., 2021, December 9. Television.

The Kroger Company. “Second Quarter Earnings for 2021.” The Kroger Company Profile (2021). Teleconference.

À propos de Gatekeeper

La gamme élargie de chariots intelligents de Gatekeeper Systems offre des solutions aux besoins de TOUS les détaillants pour minimiser les pertes de marchandises et réduire les dépenses de matériel et de main-d'œuvre.

Les solutions de prévention des pertes et de confinement des chariots de Gatekeeper utilisent une technologie de verrouillage brevetée pour mettre fin au vol à l'étalage, à la perte de chariots et à la prise de décision non éclairée. Les solutions de gestion des chariots augmentent la sécurité et réduisent les coûts de main-d'œuvre en maximisant la productivité tout en donnant une image positive du magasin.

Les solutions intelligentes de prévention des vols par poussée empêchent les voleurs et leur chariot rempli de marchandises impayées de quitter le magasin. La technologie personnalisable permet aux détaillants de défendre l'ensemble de leur magasin ou seulement un rayon à forte perte en fonction de l'agencement unique du magasin.

Les solutions connectées offrent une visibilité accrue pour une prise de décision éclairée. Améliorez l’efficacité, optimisez la taille de votre flotte et perfectionnez l’ensemble de l’expérience d’achat des clients grâce à des analyses au niveau du magasin et de l’entreprise.

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