Canadian Retailers Face $9.1 Billion in Losses: Purchek® Technology Included in the Tools to Reverse the Trend

The Canadian retail industry faces a growing crisis: organized retail theft. According to the Retail Council of Canada., losses have surged from $5 billion in 2018 to $9.1 billion in 2024, driven by increasingly sophisticated and violent crimes. In a recent  article published by The Globe and Mail in January 2025, it is highlighted that theft has evolved into coordinated operations targeting everyday items and high-value goods, often resold online. Nearly half of incidents last year involved violence, putting employees and customers at risk.

To combat this trend, retail executives and law enforcement are calling for legislative reforms to address these sophisticated operations. However, many are also turning to advanced technology to address the challenges now. Companies are investing in innovative theft prevention solutions to protect their businesses, employees, and shoppers.

California-based Gatekeeper Systems has seen rising demand for its cutting-edge technology. The company installs its patented Smartwheel®devices on shopping carts that automatically lock when someone attempts to push a cart out of a store without paying. Gatekeeper Systems algorithms analyze cart movements, and if the system detects behavior inconsistent with a paying shopper, it triggers the cart’s brakes and may activate a store alarm. “We’re seeing much faster adoption in recent years by mass merchants as well as DIY retailers,” said Sistemas Gatekeeper CEO Robert Harling, “The growing concerns around employee safety and shopper safety have really driven them to accelerate their adoption.” (Source: The Globe and Mail)

The power of Purchek® Theft Intelligence Services

Robert Harling underscores the urgency of adopting advanced solutions: “The growing concerns around employee safety and shopper safety have really driven [retailers] to accelerate their adoption.” Tecnología Purchek not only eliminates the need for physical confrontation but also provides retailers with valuable insights into theft patterns. This data enables businesses to optimize security strategies and validate their return on investment. (Source: The Globe and Mail)

Servicios de información sobre robos Purchek elevate the value of your Purchek® solution by transforming isolated incidents into actionable insights. Those critical insights are available to customers subscribed to Gatekeeper Systems’ Servicios de información sobre robos Purchek. Our dynamic reporting provides enterprise, division, and store-level reporting and can be customized to meet your preferences and delivery frequencies. This solution has you always  prepared to quickly describe the attempted pushout activity and impact of the Purchek® solution to your management team.

Beyond merely preventing theft in real-time, our services offer a comprehensive understanding of theft activities, allowing retailers to identify patterns, trends, and organized retail crime (ORC) incidents with precision. By leveraging flagged video data that highlights repeat offenders and ORC events, loss prevention teams are freed from time-intensive monitoring, enabling them to focus on proactive, action-driven measures to improve safety and reduce shrink.

Armed with these actionable insights, retailers can implement targeted countermeasures tailored to their unique challenges, resulting in more effective loss prevention strategies and greater impact on theft reduction. Our Situational Awareness Report provides detailed, data-driven insights to guide smarter, more strategic decisions, ensuring retailers optimize the value of their Purchek® technology and achieve measurable operational and financial gains.

Additionally, our turnkey investigation services enable retailers to maintain focus on core operations while ensuring theft incidents are efficiently managed. This holistic approach maximizes the benefits of Tecnología Purchek, helping retailers thrive in today’s demanding retail landscape.

Servicios de información sobre robos Purchek provide a powerful, data-driven solution to tackle this crisis head-on.


Acerca de Gatekeeper

El conjunto ampliado de productos de soluciones de carros inteligentes de Gatekeeper Systems ofrece soluciones para las necesidades de CADA minorista con el fin de minimizar la pérdida de mercancías y reducir los gastos en activos y mano de obra.

Las soluciones de prevención de pérdidas y contención de carros de Gatekeeper utilizan tecnología de bloqueo patentada para poner fin a los hurtos en carros, las pérdidas de carros de la compra y la toma de decisiones desinformadas. Las soluciones de gestión de carritos aumentan la seguridad y reducen los costes de mano de obra al maximizar la productividad, al tiempo que dan una imagen positiva de la tienda.

Las soluciones inteligentes de prevención de hurtos por empuje impiden que los ladrones y sus carros llenos de mercancía sin pagar salgan de la tienda. La tecnología personalizable permite a los minoristas defender toda su tienda o solo un departamento de grandes pérdidas en función de la distribución exclusiva de la tienda.

Las soluciones de Inteligencia Empresarial proporcionan una mayor visibilidad para una toma de decisiones informada. Aumente la eficiencia, optimice el tamaño de la flota y perfeccione toda la experiencia de compra del cliente con análisis a nivel de tienda y de empresa.

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