Maximizing Revenue: How Increased Average Transactional Value (ATV) from Shopping Trolley Use Can Drive Retail Success

The average transactional value (ATV) is a crucial metric for gauging and maximizing customer spending. One of the simplest yet most effective ways to increase ATV is by encouraging the use of shopping trolleys over baskets. Recent studies and expert insights have highlighted how shopping trolleys can significantly impact shopper behavior, leading to higher spending and, consequently, greater revenue for retailers. This connection between trolley use and ATV underscores the importance of effective trolley management.

The Trolley Advantage: A Deeper Dive

Research has shown that shoppers using trolleys tend to spend more compared to those using baskets. This is due to several psychological and practical factors:

  • Capacity and Convenience: Trolleys offer more space, making it easier for customers to continue adding items without the physical burden of carrying them. This naturally leads to larger purchases. A study demonstrated that shoppers with larger trolleys often ended up spending significantly more, as the convenience of the shopping trolley allowed them to shop with fewer limitations.*
  • Subtle Behavioral Influences: According to consumer psychologists, the placement of trolleys and baskets within stores can influence shopper behavior. Larger trolleys, often placed conveniently at the entrance, encourage customers to opt for them over smaller baskets. Once a shopping trolley is in use, shoppers are more likely to fill it, leading to higher ATV.* The strategic placement of trolleys, often near store entrances, encourages their use, further driving ATV by making the choice more convenient for shoppers.*
  • Handle Design and Spending: Interestingly, research from the Bayes Business School found that even the design of trolley handles can affect spending. Trolleys with parallel handles, which engage muscles associated with pulling (a motion linked to liking and acquiring items), can increase spending by as much as 25%.* This insight suggests that not only the availability of trolleys but also their design can influence how much customers spend.*

Gatekeeper Systems’ CartControl® Solution: Ensuring Availability and Protecting Revenue

Given the clear connection between trolley use and increased ATV, ensuring that trolleys are always available and in good condition is essential. Effective trolley management systems like Gatekeeper Systems’ CartControl® play a pivotal role in maintaining a seamless shopping experience:

  • Preventing Cart Loss: CartControl® prevents trolleys from leaving the premises, reducing the cost of replacements and ensuring that there are always enough trolleys available for customers. This not only protects valuable assets but also guarantees a consistent supply of trolleys, which is crucial for maintaining a high ATV and ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • Optimizing Availability: By ensuring trolleys are efficiently distributed and readily available, CartControl® helps maintain a smooth and uninterrupted shopping experience. This encourages more customers to choose trolleys, potentially increasing their spending. When trolleys are well-managed and always accessible, shoppers are more likely to use them, leading to a higher ATV and ultimately boosting overall sales.
  • Retorno de la inversión (ROI): Retailers are increasingly focused on providing clean, operable trolleys while minimizing operational costs associated with unnecessary collections, increased maintenance, and the now all-too-common imposed fines. By addressing these challenges with CartControl® solution, retailers can see a substantial return on their investment in a relatively short period, further enhancing profitability and sustainability.

Looking Ahead: Investing in CartControl® for Future Gains

As research continues to demonstrate the value of trolleys in boosting sales, investing in a robust trolley management solution like Gatekeeper Systems’ CartControl® is not just about preventing loss—it’s about strategically positioning your store to maximize every customer’s potential spend.

In the competitive retail environment, every advantage counts. CartControl® ensures that your trolleys are working as hard as you are to drive sales, improve customer satisfaction, and ultimately enhance your bottom line. By integrating CartControl® into your retail strategy, you’re not only securing your assets but also making a smart investment in your store’s future profitability.

For more details on how Gatekeeper Systems’ CartControl® can help enhance your store’s profits and improve overall operational efficiency, consider exploring how this solution can align with your retail goals.


  • Study on shopper behavior and trolley usage conducted by consumer psychologists.* Article Here
  • Research from Bayes Business School on the impact of trolley handle design on spending.* Article Here

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Acerca de Gatekeeper

El conjunto ampliado de productos de soluciones de carros inteligentes de Gatekeeper Systems ofrece soluciones para las necesidades de CADA minorista con el fin de minimizar la pérdida de mercancías y reducir los gastos en activos y mano de obra.

Las soluciones de prevención de pérdidas y contención de carros de Gatekeeper utilizan tecnología de bloqueo patentada para poner fin a los hurtos en carros, las pérdidas de carros de la compra y la toma de decisiones desinformadas. Las soluciones de gestión de carritos aumentan la seguridad y reducen los costes de mano de obra al maximizar la productividad, al tiempo que dan una imagen positiva de la tienda.

Las soluciones inteligentes de prevención de hurtos por empuje impiden que los ladrones y sus carros llenos de mercancía sin pagar salgan de la tienda. La tecnología personalizable permite a los minoristas defender toda su tienda o solo un departamento de grandes pérdidas en función de la distribución exclusiva de la tienda.

Las soluciones de Inteligencia Empresarial proporcionan una mayor visibilidad para una toma de decisiones informada. Aumente la eficiencia, optimice el tamaño de la flota y perfeccione toda la experiencia de compra del cliente con análisis a nivel de tienda y de empresa.

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