34-year-old father shot dead after confronting alleged shoplifter. This is a real headline. A real person, and real kids that no longer have a father. It’s the headline that keeps Loss Prevention professionals up at night wondering, “Have I done enough?” When and where these tragedies occur is no more predictable than a lightning strike. Yet, retailers continue to defy conventional wisdom by playing in stormy weather – for no reason.
Sadly, headlines like these have become commonplace. Every day, front-line employees and loss prevention staff are tasked with identifying and apprehending shoplifting suspects, trading their safety and well-being for the merchandise they were hired to protect. For many it’s the monetary value of a full shopping cart, which ultimately rings in at an unimaginable cost. We’ve all heard the story. It plays out the same way every time. The retailer might be different, the merchandise might be different, and the degree of the violence might even be different. However, the post-incident response is always the same to our teams: “No amount of merchandise is worth compromising your safety.” Yet, we continue sending our greatest and most valuable assets to the front lines as if nothing has happened.
We’ve all seen how the do-nothing scenario plays out. But, for those asking, what are the odds this will happen to me? Well, in the United States, about 10 million shoplifters were apprehended in the last 5 years. I’ll invite you to do the math:
That is 880,000 acts of violence against our retail store and security associates each year. If only a fraction, say, one-half of one percent (.005%) resulted in life-threatening injuries, our industry would be hospitalizing or mourning the loss of 4,400 employees every year (12 employees per day). These numbers worsen as repeat offenders turn to higher value pushout thefts, with more at stake. These are not statistics the retail Loss Prevention industry can live with and quite frankly, neither can our retail store employees.
Loss Prevention professionals have big jobs with a tremendous amount of responsibility. Responsibilities include but are not limited to both shrink/theft reduction AND safety. Successful leaders meet these responsibilities by leaning heavily on the solution provider community. Technology, such as Gatekeeper Systems Purchek®, allows retailers to transition their theft mitigation efforts away from apprehension to a true prevention-based approach. While Purchek® is preventing theft, your employees can do more meaningful work, safely, away from violent confrontations. Since these interventions are 100% behavior based, it takes the guesswork and violent confrontations out of the equation. This ensures that your company’s brand reputation is also protected from damaging discrimination and profiling claims.
Before you put the calculator away, check the numbers again. They don’t lie. Every day, twelve family’s lives may change forever. We must stop looking the other way. Hope is not a strategy. We can no longer allow our deniability to become plausible. Employee safety and well-being must be part of everything we do. Words are important, but we must also demonstrate through our actions that safety is a value. We owe it to our employees and their families. Don’t wait for the next headline to ask, “have I done enough?” Take a moment to ask Gatekeeper about their Purchek® solution. Then, you can finally start sleeping well at night.
Acerca de Gatekeeper
El conjunto ampliado de productos de soluciones de carros inteligentes de Gatekeeper Systems ofrece soluciones para las necesidades de CADA minorista con el fin de minimizar la pérdida de mercancías y reducir los gastos en activos y mano de obra.
Las soluciones de prevención de pérdidas, análisis minorista y contención de carros de Gatekeeper utilizan una tecnología patentada de ruedas de bloqueo para poner fin a los hurtos en carros, las pérdidas de carros de la compra y la toma de decisiones desinformadas. Las soluciones de gestión de carritos aumentan la seguridad y reducen los costes de mano de obra al maximizar la productividad, al tiempo que dan una imagen positiva de la tienda.
Las soluciones inteligentes de prevención de hurtos por empuje impiden que los ladrones y sus carros llenos de mercancía sin pagar salgan de la tienda. La tecnología de rueda personalizable permite a los minoristas defender toda su tienda o solo un departamento de grandes pérdidas en función de la distribución exclusiva de la tienda.
Las NUEVAS soluciones de Retail Analytics proporcionan una mayor visibilidad para una toma de decisiones informada. Aumente la eficiencia, optimice el tamaño de la flota y perfeccione toda la experiencia de compra del cliente con análisis a nivel de tienda y de empresa.
Descubra por qué los 20 principales minoristas que utilizan carritos de la compra confían en Portero soluciones.
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