As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak major havoc on the retail industry, the correlation between the level of social disorganization and shoplifting has become more prevalent, and unfortunately may also become permanent. It is widely known that shoplifting has drastically increased since the start of the pandemic. Reports of people loading up shopping carts with basic food items and simply walking out the door without pay­ment are endless. Many, myself included, believe that this increase in theft will remain for the foreseeable future.


Tale of Two Motives

At first, it was fear that had caused pre-pandemically honest people to suddenly pushout cartloads of groceries and other items deemed essential. The fear was fueled by the thought that if people had to wait for an unemployment check or other form of government stimulus income, there wouldn’t be enough food or other basic needs available for them and their respective families. Although this fear proved to be unfounded, it was certainly understandable when many newsfeeds around the world had been broadcasting videos of fights in supermarkets.

Adding to that fear was the fact that supermarkets and drugstores were rationing items such as bottled water, toilet tissue and hand sanitizer. This caused people to panic in many parts of the world. Once people learned hand sanitizer, for example, was limited to two containers per person it became extremely easy for otherwise honest people to simply conceal a couple hand sanitizer bottles in their handbag or pocket and then purchase another two containers. Pre-pandemically honest peo­ple just learned how truly easy it is to become an amateur shoplifter.


Acerca de Gatekeeper

El conjunto ampliado de productos de soluciones de carros inteligentes de Gatekeeper Systems ofrece soluciones para las necesidades de CADA minorista con el fin de minimizar la pérdida de mercancías y reducir los gastos en activos y mano de obra.

Las soluciones de prevención de pérdidas y contención de carros de Gatekeeper utilizan tecnología de bloqueo patentada para poner fin a los hurtos en carros, las pérdidas de carros de la compra y la toma de decisiones desinformadas. Las soluciones de gestión de carritos aumentan la seguridad y reducen los costes de mano de obra al maximizar la productividad, al tiempo que dan una imagen positiva de la tienda.

Las soluciones inteligentes de prevención de hurtos por empuje impiden que los ladrones y sus carros llenos de mercancía sin pagar salgan de la tienda. La tecnología personalizable permite a los minoristas defender toda su tienda o solo un departamento de grandes pérdidas en función de la distribución exclusiva de la tienda.

Las soluciones de Inteligencia Empresarial proporcionan una mayor visibilidad para una toma de decisiones informada. Aumente la eficiencia, optimice el tamaño de la flota y perfeccione toda la experiencia de compra del cliente con análisis a nivel de tienda y de empresa.

Otros artículos de su interés

Tendencias del hurto en el comercio minorista y el poder de la prevención: Opiniones de expertos del sector