Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled the most frequently asked questions about Gatekeeper Systems' solutions below.

What is the service response time if the system goes down?

Customers who notify Gatekeeper Systems of a system failure will receive a visit from a certified Gatekeeper Field Service Technician within 72 hours of the initial service request.

Who will provide ongoing maintenance?

Ongoing system maintenance will be provided by certified Gatekeeper Systems Field Service Technicians. In order to ensure prompt response to service requests, Gatekeeper Systems has also established relationships with several retail services contractors who are trained and certified by Gatekeeper Systems to provide the highest-quality service and maintenance.

How long does an installation take and will it affect normal operations?

Much of the installation work is carried out after hours to avoid disruption. In cases of 24-hour store operations, every effort is made to safeguard patrons and minimise any potential disturbance. The average installation is completed in two days, though some may require more time depending on the complexity and/or scope of the implementation.

What is the range of the CartKey® and is it adjustable?

The CartKey® signal has a maximum range of four feet and a minimum range of 18 inches. The CartKey® is designed and engineered so store staff can quickly and easily unlock or reset Gatekeeper wheels without any manual intervention or physical strain. The maximum range was set at four feet to provide an optimal balance between convenience and control; setting the maximum range to greater than four feet could result in staff inadvertently locking nearby trolleys.

How long does the wheel battery last, and can it be replaced?

The battery installed in the SmartWheel® 2.0 is a custom, ruggedised battery built to Gatekeeper specifications. This battery can be expected to last a minimum of 5+ years in normal Purchek® and trolley containment use. The battery is not replaceable.

What kind of warranty does the system have?

Gatekeeper Systems Purchek® and Shopping Trolley Containment systems come with a comprehensive one-year parts and labour warranty covering manufacturing defects. Gatekeeper Systems SmartWheel® 2.0 comes with a comprehensive one-year warranty covering manufacturers' defects. The SmartWheel® battery will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 5 years from the date of installation.

Is there an extended warranty or maintenance programme available?

Yes, additional warranty protection and maintenance programmes are available. Please contact a Sales Representative for further details.

an image showing a grocery store with multiple shoppers

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