Optimizing the Value of Purchek® Technology

Theft Intelligence Services

Gatekeeper Systems’ Theft Intelligence Services elevates the theft prevention value of your Purchek® solution, extending its impact beyond merely preventing the theft captured in a single video. By providing a comprehensive lens into theft activity, our services transform isolated incidents into actionable insights. This deeper understanding allows retailers to go beyond reacting to individual thefts, enabling them to strategically address the broader patterns and trends in their stores.

Enhancing Theft Prevention with FaceFirst AI-Powered Face Matching Software

To further strengthen loss prevention capabilities, Gatekeeper Systems partners with FaceFirst, a leader in AI-driven face matching technology. FaceFirst enables retailers to identify known offenders, including ORC (Organized Retail Crime) suspects, in real time, empowering security teams with instant alerts and actionable intelligence.

By integrating FaceFirst’s AI-powered analytics with Purchek® video events, retailers gain an enhanced ability to detect and track repeat offenders, reducing theft risks before they escalate. FaceFirst’s automated matching system helps loss prevention teams identify individuals across multiple store locations, strengthening the ability to counter organized retail crime effectively.

From Data to Actionable Insights

Flagged video data identifying potential ORC and repeat offender incidents significantly lightens the burden on retail loss prevention teams, allowing them to focus on action-oriented activities to lower theft-related shrink. With these insights, retailers can deploy targeted countermeasures, informed by a keener understanding of their unique challenges, ultimately leading to more effective loss prevention strategies and a greater overall impact on reducing theft.

By combining Purchek®’s real-time theft prevention technology with FaceFirst’s AI-driven active threat identification, retailers can not only stop violence and theft, but also proactively build long-term deterrence strategies that reduce loss and enhance store safety.

About FaceFirst

FaceFirst is a global leader in highly effective face matching software that leverages artificial intelligence and human decision-making to prevent violence, theft, and fraud. We design our patented video analytics platform to be fast, accurate, and scalable while maintaining high levels of security, privacy, and accountability. For more information, please visit facefirst.com.

Get Your Customised Report Now

Unlock the true savings potential of your store by minimizing theft and boosting profits. The Purchek® Calculator delivers key insights, giving you the power to take charge of your store’s financial future. Start now—discover your savings with the Purchek® Calculator today.

    How Much Could You Save with Purchek® Pushout Theft Prevention?

    Step 1: Merchandise Recovered
    Please start by entering the number of stores and the average number of trolleys per store. Next, input the estimated number and value of pushout theft attempts per week.

    The frequency of pushout thefts often varies depending on the type and location of the stores, often exceeding the levels anticipated by store management.

    Conservative default numbers have been pre-populated for these values. Adjust the figures to explore scenarios based on various assumptions.
    Step 2: Profitable Sales Required to Offset Lost Merchandise
    Select from the drop-down menu, the retail margin that best matches your stores. The calculator will now show the sales you need to generate to offset the stolen goods. Remember that when merchandise is stolen, you don't only need to recover the margin lost from the stolen goods, but the value of the goods themselves.
    Step 3: Additional Savings Considerations
    In addition to the losses from the stolen merchandise, there are many other areas to consider when calculating your Return on Investment (ROI) for our Purchek® Solution. Additional areas of benefit to consider are explained here.
    Step 4: Connect with Gatekeeper Systems for More Information
    Reach out for a no-obligation follow-up contact from Gatekeeper Systems.
    Disclaimer: The savings shown are for illustrative purposes only and cannot be guaranteed. Accurate evaluations to estimate your expected savings, based on comparable stores and trends, are available from Gatekeeper Systems.

    Step 1

    The average number of pushout thefts per week will vary depending on the store's risk level. A default value of 3 is considered a very conservative estimate.
    The average monetary value of pushout merchandise will vary depending on the store's risk level. A default value of £250 is considered a very conservative estimate.
    Potential Annual Merchandise Recovered with Purchek® Pushout Theft Prevention:

    Step 2

    Total Sales Needed to Offset the Losses from Stolen Goods:

    Step 3

    Comprehensive Breakdown
    The preferred response to a disabled trolley is for the wrongdoer to abandon it, allowing store associates to recover the goods.
    Recovered Merchandise
    Our data shows that once the Purchek® Pushout Theft Prevention System is installed in your stores, pushout attempts can be reduced by up to 80%, effectively addressing repeat offender and organised retail crime (ORC) activity. Experienced thieves recognise our systems and tend to avoid stores where they are installed.
    Additional Theft Deterrence
    With Gatekeeper Systems' Purchek® technology deterring thieves, your store associates and other shoppers are not required to engage.
    Employee and Shopper Safety
    Loss prevention technology systems, such as Purchek®, can reduce your legal fees and claims associated with shoplifting, workers' compensation, and in-store injuries, as well as lower costs related to prosecution, litigation, and court appearances.
    Legal Fees
    Purchek® technology can reduce the number of labour hours spent on cycle counting and replenishing inventory lost to theft. Additional labour savings can be achieved in the administrative tasks associated with high levels of pushout theft, such as filing and managing incident reports. The solution can also minimise the need for greeters or security guards near your exits.
    Labour & Operational Savings
    If you’ve already invested in Gatekeeper Systems' Trolley Containment Solution, you’ve already begun equipping your store for Purchek® Pushout Prevention Technology. The SmartWheel® devices already installed on your trolleys are the same ones used in the Purchek® Solution.
    Leverage Existing Gatekeeper Systems Investments
    Additional services can be integrated into your Purchek® System, including high-resolution event reporting with transferable videos and classification. Theft investigation services can identify repeat offenders and organised retail crime (ORC) activity, while also providing trend analysis.
    Additional trend and insight data is available, not only regarding your fleet of trolleys but also about your store traffic and behaviour insights.
    Valuable Trends and Insights*
    * Optional Service

    Step 4

    Thank You

    Thanks for providing information about your stores. We will send you a customized report that provides additional information about Gatekeeper Systems’ Purchek® Pushout Theft Protection Solution. Please connect with us directly for more detailed information.
    Contact Us

    Prevent Pushout Theft  Purchek® Solution

    Protect your merchandise from theft while ensuring the safety of your employees and customers with Gatekeeper Systems’ Purchek® technology. Unlike traditional theft detection methods, Purchek® offers a discreet, non-confrontational approach that stops potential thieves without risking physical altercations. Most shoplifters abandon the merchandise and leave without any interaction, keeping your team and shoppers safe.

    Pushout Theft Solutions – Comparison Matrix

    Purchek Comparison Matrix

    How Purchek® Technology Works

    Purchek® technology is a fully automated, behaviour-based system that prevents shopping trolleys from leaving a retail store unless authorised at a point of sale (POS). If unauthorised, the trolley locks at the exit, triggering a video event and an audible alarm. This often results in the thief walking away without the product or causing a physical incident.

    Our Purchek® technology validates the ROI of the system, while providing our retail partners with unique insights into theft behaviour occurring in their stores every day.

    The Purchek® system is designed with the flexibility to accommodate a variety of retail store formats. It remains invisible to paying customers while stopping thieves in their tracks.

    Select Customer Journey
    Standard Customer
    Pushout Theft
    The system is completely invisible to shoppers.
    Customer engages in a payment transaction.
    Customer completes shopping trip without noticing the Purchek® technology
    The system is completely invisible to shoppers.
    The thief bypasses all Points of Sale (POS).
    The SmartWheel® device locks at the exit, disabling the trolley and automatically triggering an alarm and a video recording event.
    Merchandise is often abandoned as the thief flees.

    Purchek®technology to Offender:

    “You got caught in 4K!”

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