Unlock a Better Retail Experience: Combatting Theft Without Locking Up Merchandise

Retail crime continues to be a significant challenge, with retailers increasingly turning to locked merchandise as a solution. However, this approach can drive customers away, according to a recent report from Retail Dive based on a survey by Numerator. The findings are telling:

  • 60% of in-store shoppers encounter locked merchandise regularly.
  • 27% of shoppers would either switch retailers or abandon their purchase entirely if they come across locked-up products.
  • 61% of consumers report seeing more locked merchandise in the past year, particularly at drugstores and mass retailers.

This trend, while aimed at reducing shrink, poses a risk to the overall shopping experience. When faced with locked items, 62% of shoppers will wait for assistance, but those unwilling to wait are shifting a higher percentage of their spending online.

The Hidden Costs of Locking Up Merchandise

Michael Brown from Kearney highlights that while locking merchandise may reduce theft, it can also hurt sales and margins:

  • Customer Frustration: Locked items hinder accessibility, especially when stores are understaffed.
  • Lost Sales: Shoppers may leave without purchasing if they cannot access products easily.
  • Higher Prices: The costs of securing merchandise and staffing locked cases often result in price increases, impacting customer loyalty.

A Smarter Solution: Purchek® Technology

At Gatekeeper Systems, we believe locking up merchandise should be a last resort. That’s why we offer an innovative alternative with Gatekeeper Systems’ Die Purchek®-Technologie. Purchek® ensures that unpaid merchandise never leaves the store, without interrupting the shopping experience. Here’s how it works:

  • Confrontation-Free: The action to stop a cart is taken by the technology, not an associate, removing any bias and immediately deescalating any required interactions
  • Seamless Shopping: Paying customers following an expected path experience no disruptions, maintaining an open and inviting store environment.
  • Enhanced Safety and Profitability: By preventing theft without locking up products, Purchek® reduces loss, increases profits, and enhances safety for both shoppers and employees.

 Unlock Your Store’s Potential

Retailers in urban and high-theft areas are under increasing pressure to find effective solutions to shrink. Rather than driving customers away with locked merchandise, why not invest in a system that safeguards products while enhancing the shopping experience?

Die Purchek®-Technologie is designed to do just that. It’s the smarter way to combat theft, protect your profits, and keep your customers coming back.

Stay ahead of the latest retail trends and innovations! Subscribe to our weekly Marketwatch newsletter for insights, solutions, and updates on how Gatekeeper Systems is shaping the future of loss prevention.

Source: Retail Dive: “Locked-up merchandise increases as shrink and theft disrupt consumer behavior” by Howard Ruben, Nov. 6, 2024.

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Über Gatekeeper

Die erweiterte Produktpalette von Gatekeeper Systems an intelligenten Einkaufswagenlösungen bietet Lösungen für JEDEN Einzelhändler, um Warenverluste zu minimieren und die Ausgaben für Anlagen und Personal zu reduzieren.

Gatekeepers Lösungen zur Verhinderung von Verlusten und zur Eindämmung von Einkaufswagen nutzen eine patentierte Verschlusstechnik, um Ladendiebstahl, Verlust von Einkaufswagen und uninformierten Entscheidungen ein Ende zu setzen. Die Lösungen für das Einkaufswagenmanagement erhöhen die Sicherheit und senken die Arbeitskosten, indem sie die Produktivität maximieren und gleichzeitig für ein positives Ladenimage sorgen.

Intelligente Pushout-Diebstahlschutzlösungen verhindern, dass Diebe mit ihren Einkaufswagen voller unbezahlter Waren das Geschäft verlassen. Die anpassbare Technologie ermöglicht es Einzelhändlern, ihr gesamtes Geschäft oder nur eine Abteilung mit hohen Verlusten zu schützen, basierend auf dem einzigartigen Layout des Geschäfts.

Business-Intelligence-Lösungen bieten mehr Transparenz für eine fundierte Entscheidungsfindung. Steigern Sie die Effizienz, optimieren Sie die Flottengröße und perfektionieren Sie das gesamte Einkaufserlebnis Ihrer Kunden mit Analysen auf Laden- und Unternehmensebene.

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