Many People take grabbing a cart for granted and do not consider all it means to both the retailer and the customer. The sales it enables, the experience it delivers, what it says about the brand. The shopping cart is commonly the most neglected piece of store equipment, yet it is often the longest single point of interaction between the customer and a store’s brand. This relationship is critical in many ways:
Having an ample supply of clean carts in good repair available when a shopper walks in is key to maximizing sales and driving a positive shopper experience – prioritized by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Keeping carts on the property minimizes the need for collection services, minimizes lost & stolen carts and, allows a retailer to operate with less carts saving on spend and maintenance repair
Not seeing a retailer’s carts off property littering neighborhoods, drainage ditches and parks helps promote the brand image of a retailer as a good corporate citizen with a secondary benefit of keeping your carts clean and in better repair.
Keeping carts onsite, clean and in good repair can eliminate 25%+ of cart cleaning and repair expenses.
Supply chain issues, manufacturer capacity, and steel costs have impacted the supply and have made replacing costs an expensive proposition.
In the end, it is far less expensive in dollars and as a brand to take care of your cart fleet. Learn more about how Wageneinhausung can decrease your store’s maintenance and retrieval costs by 90%, achieving a return of investment of less than one year. The savings doesn’t stop there. Even with carts relegated to the confines of a retailer’s parking lot, Gatekeeper Systems CartManager® XD solution streamlines the on-property retrieval process for their employees, too. As retailers struggle to hire and retain frontline workers, they are looking for new ways of working that represent a material labor savings. CartManager® XD is a major advantage over traditional methods by reducing costs associated with shopping cart retrieval, including labor hours, worker’s compensation injuries, and cart-vehicle accidents.
Benefits of moving to Power Assisted Cart collection
Commonly doubles or triples cart collection per trip (depending on retailer policy) allowing the retailer to save labor, boosting the level of productivity per individual
Helps to increase sales by ensuring ample carts are available for customers when they are ready to spend money.
Reduces likelihood of injury from the gathering and collection of carts.
Broadens labor pool as any properly trained individual can safely collect carts regardless of physical condition or stature.
It’s 10pm, do you know where your shopping carts are? With Gatekeeper technology, every retailer can claim a small victory in the fight against missing shopping carts. Your bottom-line will thank you, and so will your community.
So – where are they? Here are the top 5 places your shopping carts are going:
Retailers love population density. A lot of people mean a lot of customers (and shopping carts). Retail establishments in proximity to residential housing, particularly multi-unit apartments and condominiums pose the greatest risk for “borrowed” shopping carts that ultimately make the one-way trip to the nearby apartment complex. Some make it back to the store thanks to expensive collection services while the unfortunate remainder end up lost forever, or worse. Keep reading to find out. Apartment dwellers aren’t the only ones to blame.
Abandoned shopping carts have been a hot topic amongst many city and state officials. Aside from the obvious nuisance they become as town fodder, deserted shopping carts are a hazard to drivers when they accumulate near busy roadways and intersections. Shopping carts also can be found abandoned in ditches and other waterways. Quite often, these carts cause civil engineering mayhem by clogging important drainage systems which cause flooding and other serious damage.
The shopping cart joyride is more than just a teenage rite of passage; kids of all ages have been commandeering these wire-framed race cars since their inception. While it’s perhaps not the largest contributor to missing carts, it does represent a liability concern for retailers that fail to take proper care of controlling their fleet. Retailers must be keenly aware of premises liability and the foreseeability for certain activities, crimes, and incidents that occur on their property – which includes damage and injuries caused by their shopping carts.
One must appreciate the resourcefulness of the contemporary shopping cart caper for this ingenious idea. We laugh because we must not cry – until we realize that not only the shopping cart, but also the menu was compliments of the local supermarket. Shopping carts have become a staple for those less fortunate. Without proper controls, your fleet could quickly become the centerpiece of the next neighborhood cookout.
The number 1 place your shopping carts are going is…NOWHERE! If you’re a Gatekeeper Systems customer, that is. Cart Containment stops carts from ever leaving a store’s property, saving them from abandonment, damage, or city fines. By combining a radio frequency enabled perimeter antenna with self-locking SmartWheels. Gatekeeper helps keep your shopping carts at your location, and available for your customers while vastly reducing store operational costs. Cart retrieval, maintenance, replacement, and city ordinances can routinely cost a store $15,000 a year.
Über Gatekeeper
Die erweiterte Produktpalette von Gatekeeper Systems an intelligenten Einkaufswagenlösungen bietet Lösungen für JEDEN Einzelhändler, um den Verlust von Waren zu minimieren und die Ausgaben für Anlagen und Personal zu reduzieren.
Gatekeepers Lösungen für Verlustprävention, Einzelhandelsanalyse und Einkaufswageneindämmung nutzen die patentierte Sperrradtechnologie, um Einkaufswagendiebstahl, Einkaufswagenverlust und uninformierte Entscheidungen zu verhindern. Die Lösungen für das Einkaufswagenmanagement erhöhen die Sicherheit und senken die Arbeitskosten, indem sie die Produktivität maximieren und gleichzeitig für ein positives Ladenimage sorgen.
Intelligente Pushout-Diebstahlsicherungslösungen hindern Diebe daran, mit ihren Wagen voller unbezahlter Waren das Geschäft zu verlassen. Die anpassbare Radtechnologie ermöglicht es Einzelhändlern, ihr gesamtes Geschäft oder nur eine Abteilung mit hohen Verlusten zu schützen, basierend auf dem einzigartigen Layout des Geschäfts.
NEW Retail Analytics-Lösungen bieten mehr Transparenz für eine fundierte Entscheidungsfindung. Steigern Sie die Effizienz, optimieren Sie die Flottengröße und perfektionieren Sie das gesamte Einkaufserlebnis Ihrer Kunden mit Analysen auf Laden- und Unternehmensebene.
Finden Sie heraus, warum die 20 größten Einzelhändler, die Einkaufswagen verwenden, sich auf Torwächter Lösungen.
Über Gatekeeper
Die erweiterte Produktpalette von Gatekeeper Systems an intelligenten Einkaufswagenlösungen bietet Lösungen für JEDEN Einzelhändler, um Warenverluste zu minimieren und die Ausgaben für Anlagen und Personal zu reduzieren.
Gatekeepers Lösungen zur Verhinderung von Verlusten und zur Eindämmung von Einkaufswagen nutzen eine patentierte Verschlusstechnik, um Ladendiebstahl, Verlust von Einkaufswagen und uninformierten Entscheidungen ein Ende zu setzen. Die Lösungen für das Einkaufswagenmanagement erhöhen die Sicherheit und senken die Arbeitskosten, indem sie die Produktivität maximieren und gleichzeitig für ein positives Ladenimage sorgen.
Intelligente Pushout-Diebstahlschutzlösungen verhindern, dass Diebe mit ihren Einkaufswagen voller unbezahlter Waren das Geschäft verlassen. Die anpassbare Technologie ermöglicht es Einzelhändlern, ihr gesamtes Geschäft oder nur eine Abteilung mit hohen Verlusten zu schützen, basierend auf dem einzigartigen Layout des Geschäfts.
Business-Intelligence-Lösungen bieten mehr Transparenz für eine fundierte Entscheidungsfindung. Steigern Sie die Effizienz, optimieren Sie die Flottengröße und perfektionieren Sie das gesamte Einkaufserlebnis Ihrer Kunden mit Analysen auf Laden- und Unternehmensebene.